
Mom guilt looks different to all women, but commonly manifests as relentless feelings of guilt, doubt, regret and anxiety about your parenting choices - that you could be a “better” mother or that your actions will have negative effects on your child’s future. 

Lindsey Fitzsimons is a 5th year PhD studentin Biomedical Sciences, an instructor for first-year medical students, science communicator, and mom to James (age 2). Lindsey often speaks about her mom guilt in her social media platforms to raise awareness of this important problem faced by so many moms. 

"I feel it's important to have this kind of open and inclusive discussion surrounding mom guilt because we as a society need to do better, be kinder and more supportive of our moms." Lindsey Fitzsimons

During our opening SciMomChats event, Lindsay and Isabel, our co-founder, discussed their perspectives on the causes of mom guilt and how they cope, and explored the impacts of mom guilt on career progression, personal life and mental health.

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