
To support us and help further our mission, please consider making a donation. We are an all volunteer, non-profit organisation and donations are crucial to our work and to maintain our resources free and accessible for all.


Your donation will help us to:

  • Run webinars and networking events to support mothers in STEMM

  • Host international conferences

  • Run a mentoring program for mothers in STEMM

  • Develop evidence-based resources to support mothers in STEMM

  • Conduct research to identify structural barriers to career advancement of mothers in STEMM and develop policies for promoting workplace diversity and inclusion

  • Advocate for equal rights and opportunities for mothers and caregivers in STEMM

  • Pay for infrastructure and logistics (eg. website maintenance, production of graphic content, software, etc)


Mothers in Science is a not-for-profit organisation registered in France under ‘Association Loi de 1901’ and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of French law.
