
Worry. Guilt. Exhaustion. Stress. Repeat. This is what academic parents go through on a daily basis, particularly moms, who typically carry most of the burden of childcare, household chores and family management. Parenting can be challenging for post-graduate students; in addition to being primary caregivers to your children, there are experiments, fieldwork, qualifying exams, teaching, seminars, meetings with supervisors, and... all this on a tight budget.

Melody Gavel is a first year PhD student in ecotoxicology, a student mentor, and mother to Aurélia and Quinn (ages 3 years and 2 months). She is passionate about inspiring other parents and parents-to-be on how to balance graduate school and having children.

"While I completely believe there are times where it's better to be mindful, present, and focused on one task, I can fully admit that multitasking has saved my skin as a mother in grad school.” Melody Gavel

Melody and Sherin, from our Mothers in Science team, discussed the challenges of being a grad student mom and some solutions and tips to help them navigate motherhood and their studies.

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