Fiona Mattrasingh


Registered Dental Hygienist, Clinical Instructor and Creator with a son almost 2 years old.


Fiona Mattrasingh

“Some days are better than others and I still repeat to myself that time working on my career is just as important as time with my son.”

I am currently celebrating my 10th year as a Dental Hygienist and 2nd year as a mom. I knew being a mom would take away some of the time that I could give to my career but I wasn't fully open and understanding of the guilt, exhaustion and moments of doubt. Doubt that I am working too much, that I am not creating enough activities for him, that I am not focused on him with every breath. I am currently a work in progress with an ever evolving schedule, specified days off and look forward to nap time when I can sit and focus for an hour or two on my work.

I still have so much more to give in my career. My focus at this juncture is to see how far Dental Hygiene can take me. 

Some of the many roles I have accumulated with Dental Hygiene include: Clinical instructor, speaker, mentor, creative, consultant and more to come. I love what I do but I still wonder if I could do more or be more. I have goals that I want to attain and feel at times like it may be impossible. I have had to give up on some opportunities as it is just not possible to work to the extent at which I had previously held.

Some days are better than others and I still repeat to myself that time working on my career is just as important as time with my son.

Help from family is so important right now along with employers who have children themselves and therefore the empathy to understand and work around my own life’s challenges. It's a group effort, really.

I am a full steam ahead person. I have a lot of wants, ambition, and drive. My ultimate goal? To attain pride in myself and all that I achieve and to be a role model of strength, determination and ambition to my son.

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